What Is Killing the Bats? SmithsonianMichelle NijhuisAugust 1, 2011Ecology and Conservation, Award Winners
Last Word on Nothing Jr. Edition, Part One The Last Word on NothingMichelle NijhuisJuly 28, 2011Parenting, Literature, On Science
Not One More Winter in the Tipi, Honey The Last Word on NothingMichelle NijhuisJuly 14, 2011Ecology and Conservation, Essays, Parenting, All-time Favorites
The Crow Knows Your Nose The Last Word on NothingMichelle NijhuisJune 29, 2011Ecology and Conservation
In Case of Rapture, Head for Poughkeepsie The Last Word on NothingMichelle NijhuisJune 17, 2011Energy and Climate Change, Essays
What's Wrong With Environmental Education? Yale Environment 360Michelle NijhuisMay 26, 2011Reviews and Interviews, Ecology and Conservation, Energy and Climate Change, Parenting
Defriending Joe Hill High Country NewsMichelle NijhuisFebruary 28, 2011Essays, Literature, History, Art and Artists
A Crude Awakening in the Gulf of Mexico SmithsonianMichelle NijhuisSeptember 1, 2010Energy and Climate Change
Escape From the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your Science Matter BooksMichelle NijhuisJune 29, 2010On Writing, On Science
Balance of Power AudubonMichelle NijhuisMay 1, 2010Energy and Climate Change, Ecology and Conservation
How the West Was Warmed: Responding to Climate Change in the Rockies BooksMichelle NijhuisNovember 11, 2009Energy and Climate Change